



Geun Hyuck Kim(韓国)
Geun Hyuck Kim(韓国)

Top 5 reasons to study abroad in the United States

Learn American English

With the widespread influence of American culture, it is no secret that the American accent is gaining popularity. American media is widely consumed internationally, and most people are familiar with the American accent through movies, television and music. For many people, it is the easiest English dialect to understand, and it can come in handy if you travel often or work for an international company.

Tourist attractions

Natural beauty is abundant in the USA, and the country is home to many natural wonders, including the Grand Canyon in Arizona, the Florida Everglades and the geysers of Yellowstone National Park. Whether you want to discover mountains, beaches, deserts or glaciers, you can find it all in the United States. From coast to coast you can also see hundreds of famous landmarks, such as the Statue of Liberty, the Golden Gate Bridge and the famous Hollywood sign.

A multicultural experience

The United States is often referred to as a melting pot due to its significant percentage of immigrants and its wide variety of ethnic communities. In many American cities, you will find vibrant neighborhoods with names like Chinatown, Koreatown and Little Italy that will allow you to discover the world all within the United States. During your studies, you will also meet people from all around the world, learn about their cultures and make international friends.

Extend your studies

While you are studying English in the United States, you may want to look into educational programs that can allow you to extend your studies in the country. The USA Is home to more than 4,000 colleges and universities, and many schools offer transition programs for international students who would like to pursue higher education in the United States. Having first-hand experience in the country can help prepare you for further courses in English and familiarize you with the available options to study at an American college or university.

International business

English has become the global language of business, and many of the world’s largest companies are based in the USA, such as Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and Tesla. For professionals who are looking to expand their career prospects, studying English in the USA can provide opportunities to improve business communication skills and to stand out to international companies that want to hire professionals with experience abroad.



語学学校 (LSI)

ボストンはマサチューセッツ州の海岸沿いにあるニューイングランドの中心地にあります 続きを読む



語学学校 (LSI)

アメリカのビジネスと文化の中心地であるニューヨークは伝統、歴史の面でもアメリカをリードする都市です 続きを読む



語学学校 (LSI)

サンディエゴはカリフォルニアの南に位置し、美しい自然の港があり、太平洋岸の美しいビーチでは、サーフィン、ウィンドサーフィンなどが楽しめます 続きを読む



語学学校 (LSI)

バークレーには、世界的にも有名なカルフォルニア大学のバークレー校があり、サンフランシスコ湾東岸にある都市で、多くの学生に学びの場として好まれています 続きを読む


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